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It is very important to know how the complicated search engines algorithms work, because this is the basic information which can help us to program our own sites’ promotional strategy. Otherwise it would be similar to shooting in the dark, without any specific objective in mind. Search engine algorithms keep on changing but the policies of search engines do not change.
Such as quality content which was a priority in the beginning if World Wide Web; it still holds true. Though search engines disclose little or nothing as far as their strategies for ranking are concerned, but today we will discuss some open policy guidelines from Yahoo and Google.
According to Yahoo the factors that influence the rise or drop in rankings are as follows. The number of back links or the other sites providing a link to your website, the content appearing on your webpages, testing of new versions, facilitating discovery of other sites and changes in algorithms are among the major factors that determine the ranking of a site in Yahoo search engine. Yahoo is considered second only to Google, worldwide. That’s the reason people are using social media to improve the back-linking and incoming traffic to your site.
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